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Tender: Procurement of Business Startup Kits at Pact |
Read here information about Tender: RFP - Procurement of Business Startup Kits at Pact
Request for Proposals
Procurement of Business Startup Kits
July 26, 2024
August 9, 2024,11:00 am EAT(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
August 9, 2024,11:30am EAT (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
July 30,2024 from 11:00am to 1:00pm EAT (Microsoft Teams: Meeting ID: 234 243 779 292 and Passcode: 7NjBQy)
Due by July 31, 2024 September 10, 2024
Introduction to Pact and ACHIEVE Project
Pact is an international nonprofit that works in nearly 40 countries, building solutions for human development that are evidence-based, data-driven, and owned by the communities we serve. Founded in 1971, Pact works with partners to build resilience, improve accountability, and strengthen knowledge and skills for sustainable social impact. Since 2001, we have been working in Tanzania to help people and communities build their own capacity to generate income, improve access to quality health services, and gain lasting benefit from the sustainable use of natural resources around them to benefit future generations. For more about Pact, visit www.pactworld.org
ACHIEVE is a seven-year (2019-2026) USAID-funded global project whose primary goal is to reach and sustain HIV epidemic control among pregnant and breastfeeding women, adolescents, infants, and children. To reach this goal, ACHIEVE supports 0VC and DREAMS service delivery, provides technical assistance to strengthen social welfare systems, and supports capacity development for local partners to sustain services at the community level. In 2023, USAID added global health security to the project’s scope of work. ACHIEVE is implemented by Pact in partnership with Jhpiego, Palladium, No Means No Worldwide, and WI-HER. ACHIEVE’s countries of implementation include Burundi, the Dominican Republic, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Zambia. To learn more about ACHIEVE, visit www.pactworld.org/achieve
Lot | Description | Specifications |
Lot No. 1 | Procurement of Business Startup Kits – Pact | Available in the TOR |
Lot No. 2 | Procurement of Business Startup Kits – Partner Offices | Available in the TOR |
Scope of Work
Interested vendors should download the full Terms of Reference (ToR) through https://www.pactworld.org/ country/tanzania
All questions and requests for clarification should be directed to ProcurementTZ@pactworld.org with the subject line “Request for Clarification: Procurement of Business Startup Kits – Pact or Partners: (Name the LOT, Eg: LOT 1)” before COB July 31, 2024
- The service provider must be currently legally operating in Tanzania and the proposal must clearly express ability of the Provider to meet or exceed the requirements/ specifications outlined above.
- Ability to deliverthe required services.
- Ability to deliverthe required goods.
Submission Instructions (In accordance to individual Terms of Reference)
Interested bidders should submit their bids physically to Pact Tanzania, addressing to: –
The Tender Committee,
Pact Tanzania,
Plot 1486, Msasani Peninsula (Masaki Area)
P.O.Box 6348,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
- Pact will open all bids on Friday, August 9,2024, at 11:30 am in the presence of Bidder’s Representatives who choose to attend.
- Quotes must be in Tanzanian Shilling and must include taxes separately.
- Proposals must be submitted electronically to Pact Tanzania.
- Quotations received after that time or at a different address may not be accepted.
- As mentioned above, all quotations and delivery dates shall be valid for at least 60 days following submission.
Terms and Conditions – Disclaimers
- Late or incomplete bids will not be accepted.
- The quote that complies with all the specifications/requirements and offers value for money, shall be considered for the competition.
- Pact may cancel solicitation and not award.
- Pact may reject any or all responses received.
- Issuance of request for quotes does not constitute a contract commitment by Pact.
- Pact reserves the right to disqualify any offer based on the offer or failure to follow the solicitation instructions.
- Pact reserves the right to waive minor proposal deficiencies that can be corrected prior to award determination to promote competition.
- Pact will be contacting all offerors to confirm contact person, address and that the proposal was submitted for this solicitation.
- Pact will not compensate Vendors for their response to the solicitation.
- Pact may choose to award only part of the required items in this solicitation or to issue multiple awards for the same Lot.
- Pact reserves the right to change the total quantity before a PO is issued.
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Tender: Procurement of Business Startup Kits at Pact |
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